Q.1. Select notify modes(select two) oprions: a.mail b. voice call c. text message d. mms Ans: a,c Q.2. Need to develop a report with case id and operator id . then options: a. need to optimise only case id b. need to optimse only operator id c. need to optimise both d. no need to optimse any of them Ans: d Q.3. Relation between customer and address is 1-1 then what will be adress mode Options: a. data page b. page list c. page group d. value group Ans. a Q.4. Relation between customer and address is 1-n then what will be adress mode Options: a. data page b. page list c. page group d. information is not sufficient Ans: b Q.5: We need to use flow action sampleFA in casetypeOne and casetypeTwo. then where will you create sampleFA Options: a. sae1-hrservices-work-casetypeOne b. sae1-hrservices-work-casetypeTwo c. sae1-hrservices-work d. sae1-hrservices-data Ans:c Q.6. ------------reference ----------------, which reference ---------------, which reference rulesets options: a. operatorID, access group, application rules b. access group, application rules, operatorID c. application rules, operatorID, access group d. access group, operatorID, application rules Q.7. Application express doesn't create Options: a. application document b. application profiler c. specification document d. --- Ans. d Q.8. What is main purpose of application wizard Options: a. to gather requirements and speicifications. b. to create case types and sub cases c. this is the starting point to start implementing application. Ans: Q.9. what is the main thing of a specification along with description. Options: a. -- b. SME c.-- Ans. b Q.10: Smart shapes are------. Options. a. commonly used b. -- Q.11. In a flow action we need to send email and get the purchase order date then...(choose two) Options: a. need to create purchase order email as connector b. need to create purchase order email as service c. no need need to create purchase order email as connector or service d. need to create purchase order date as connector e. need to create purchase order date as service f. no need need to create purchase order date as connector or service Q.12. what is the best descition of correspondence. options: a. correspondence can call rules b. same correspondence can use for both mail and fax Ans. a Q.13.You have to create a field to enter only past date. then what is the best method. Options: a. use date control b. use date property c. use edit validate rule d. use validate rule Q.14.SLA's question IV - 15 default 10 goal 1 day 10 deadline 3 days 15 passed dead line 1 day 10 What is the assignemnt urgency after 5 days Ans. 60 Q.15. Have to create a page with so many required fields. then what is the best way Options: a. have to create controls and check the required check box. b. create edit validate c. create validate and validate on sever side. Q.16: What can be a source of repeating layout otions: a. data page b. data transorm. c. report defenition d. page list Ans:d Q.17. Need to create a report with case id and purchase order id then. Options: a. need to optimise only case id b. need to optimise only purchase order id c. no need to optimise both d. need to optimise both Ans. b Q.18. What is the best thing if we have many nested ifs options: a. decision table. b. decision tree c. when d. -- Ans. b Q.19. What are the scope of a data page(choose three) options a. node b. requestor c. thread d. --- e.--- f. --- Ans. a, b,c Q.20. defined a data page refresh strategy as reload if older than 2 hrs option: a. data pages will get refreshed after 2 hrs b. data page will get refreshed after 2 hrs of in active c. data page will get refreshed once we access it after 2 hrs of in active Ans.c Q.21. Need to access property city which is in shipping adress , to billing address then. options: a. .city b. .shippingadress.city c. shipping address.city Ans: b Q.22. When we justify guardrails? options: a. When we think that is the best approac. b. When there is no other altrnative to do that. |
October 2020