1.Which is a valid case type
a.SAE-HRServices b.SAE-HRSERVICES-WORK c.SAE-CREATECANDIDATE d.SAE-HRSERVICES-WORK-CREATECANDIDATE Ans : d (Same question repeated twice with different class names) 2.What is the best practise on the num of steps/stages a case might be decomposed a.9 +-2 b.7+-2 c.< 15 d.5+-2 Ans : b (this also repeated twice) 3.Which rule is used to format a property value Ans : Control 4.Which rule is used to configure how the property displayed on the UI. Ans : Control 5.An alternate stage cane be transitioned automatically or manually. Ans : False 6.An SLA is defined as below .What would be the value of urgency after5 days of no action. Default Urgency - 10 Initial Urgenct - 0 Goal - 1 day -10 Deadline - 3 days - 15 Past Deadline - 1 day - 10 Repeating past deadline - 3 times a.45 b.55 c.65 d.35 Ans : b 7.Which control is used to display some dynamic content as list a.Dynamic Select b.auto control c.text Ans : 8.Given 4 shapes and asked to tell which shape can be associated with Decision Table. Ans : Decision Shape 9.The usecase is to create a purchase request case upon receiving an email and need to fetch the currecy values from an external system.How would u implement this scenario. a.Create a service for Purchase Request and a connector for retrieving currecny values. b.Create a connector for Purchase Request and a service for retrieving currecny values. c.Create a service for Purchase Request and a service for retrieving currecny values. d.Create a connector for Purchase Request and a connector for retrieving currecny values. Ans : a 10.What does a step denote in a Stage. a.Take action or actions b.first level grouping of tasks in a case c.the processes involved to complete a task Ans : a 11.When do we use a single assignment in a step a.When a subcase is called b.When you want to navigate to a different stage. c.When the assignment shape is not related to the next shape. d.When you want to resolve a case. Ans : c 12.Where is a data transform shape used.(Select 3) A. Data Page B. Decision Tree C. Flow Action D. Flow E. Declare Expressions F. Property Ans : flow action,flow and data page 13.Advantages of a Data Page. 14.What does a System Architect see in a Clipboard(Choose 2) a.The pages created under the nodes for that application b.The case data which he currently opened. c.The case data which is currently opened by end user. d.All cases data opened by the end users. Ans : a,b 15.What is the best way to show an error message when a user inputs some wrong data and submits. a.Createa msg rule and associate with a validate rule. b.Add a custom error msg to edit validate rule. c.Create a error message on validate rule. d.Have a seperate layout for error msg and show based on a condition Ans : a 16. ------------reference ----------------, which reference ---------------, which reference rulesets options: a. operatorID, access group, application rules b. access group, application rules, operatorID c. application rules, operatorID, access group d. access group, operatorID, application rules Ans : a 17.Where do u create a section related to all properties in a page which references a data class. a.in Work Class. b.In case where this page is created. c.In data class where the data class is present. Ans : c 18.We need to create a report with Work status and assignedOperator as columns.How do you optimixe the report. a.Optimize both Work status and assignedOperator. b.Optimize Work status and no need of assignedOperator. c.No need to Optimize Work status and optimize only assignedOperator. d.No need to optimize any column. Ans : d 19.What is the source for a repeating layput(CHoose 2) a.Page list b.Page c.Value d.Report Definition Ans : a,d 20.What is the rule to use if we have many nested ifs options: a. decision table. b. decision tree c. when d. data transform Ans. b 21.Which to rule to use for the following case.(Choose 2) Retun Grade A for 91-100 Return Grade B for 71-90 Return Grade C for others a.Data Table b.Decision Tree c.Decision Table. d.When Ans : b,c 22.Smart shapes are a.Pre configured Utilities b.represents a notification shape for email sending Ans : a 23.Which all shapes can be used for routing. a.Assignment b.Decision Table c.Data Transform d.Data Page. Ans : a,b 24.An assignment can be routed to (Choose 2) a.Single operator b.Multiple operators c.Access Group. d.Work Basket Ans : a,d 25.How all can a subcase be created.(Choose 3) a.Manual. b.Automatic. c.Procedural. d.Declarative e.Conditional. Ans : 26.What is the best way to ensure a user enters email in proper format. Ans : Use Edit validate 27.Which rule to run when a specific condition is to be checked Ans : When 28.Which rule comes under Declarative a.Data Transform b.Data Page. c.Decision Tree d.Decision Table Ans : b 29.What arethe 2 correspondence Types. a.Fax. b.Mail. c.Voice Mail. d.MMS Ans : a,b 30.Given a scenario where the user shud accept the terms and conditions.How would u incorporate such a case. a.cREATE a flow action and add it as an Optional action in that stage. b.Create an optional process. c.Create a flowaction so that it can be called in overlay d.Create a flowaction so that it can be called in Modal dialog Ans : a 31.What are the best practices to create a case. a.Create stages,then steps and then implement processes b.Create processes,then steps and then stages. c. Ans : a 32.What are the steps you follow when u initially draft a UI.(Choose 2) a.Create Decision rules. b.Create dummy UI c.Create notes on Assignment shape. d.Create Flow Actions e.Create Ans : 33.A chart can be used in both summary and list report. Ans : False. 34.What is the primary use of a Ruleset. a.Manage versions of rules. b.Group rules together. c.Used for easy deployment and migration to different server. d.Configure Applications. Ans : 35.What are the 2 types present in guard rail warnings. Ans : warning type and serverity levels 36.Which are the possible options for Pega to be a System of Record. a.Maintain customer phone numbers. b.Maintain account types given to customers. c.Maintain all calls received from a customer. d.Maintain accounts each customer holds. Ans : b,c 37.When are data pages created. Ans: When they are first accessed. 38.What is the best wat to cache the results read from a connector. Ans : Data Page. 39.Where is the pst deadline measured from. a.from assignment start. b.from dead line. c.from goal. Ans: b 40.When is the Application express used. a.To capture req and specificatioons. b.To start the application development. c.To prototype an application. Ans : b 41.Which all shapes can be used to send an email notification(Choose 2) a.Utility b.Notification tab of Assignment shape. Ans: a,b 42.In a data transform we need to copy city from the shipping address to Billing address .What would be the value of the source . options: a. BILLINGAddress.City b. .shippingadress.city c. shipping address.city d. .BILLINGAddress.City Ans: b 43.A CSR needs to do the following activities. Collect cust details Collect problem details. Based on the problem assign to a user. a.Create 3 sub cases. b.Create single assignment c.Create a multistep process d. Ans : c |
October 2020